Where Speed Lives ...
Drag Race Motors
This motor is wound with standard wire and is designed to run on Regulated Power
Supplies or Batteries. The better the power source, the better the performance.

Poly or Neo Magnets only.
This motor is wound with High-Temperature wire and is designed to run on Regulated
Power Supplies or Batteries. The better the power source, the better the performance.

Poly or Neo Magnets only.
This motor is wound with High-Temperature wire and is designed to run on Regulated
Power Supplies or Batteries. The better the power source, the better the performance.

Poly or Neo Magnets only.

NOTE:  Limited Use Only
Wasp  (2.0 ohm)
Hornet  (1.5 ohm)
Killer Bee (0.7 ohm)
Updated 2022
These motors are not for use in Auto World chassis's
NOTE:  This motor is not for use in AutoWorld chassis's.
NOTE:  This motor is not for use in AutoWorld chassis's.
NOTE:  This motor is not for use in AutoWorld chassis's.